
Sound Storm Dashboard

Sound Storm character art of the wise old owl.

Provide better client support

The Sound Storm dashboard is a secure gateway, to log in to your unique dashboard and view your clients' Progress Reports in real time. This allows you to monitor and track their progress as they work through the Sound Storm program.

This means you can help them along the way by providing better support to clients and ensure success with Sound Storm.

The sound storm dashboard homepage on a computer monitor.

Accessing the Progress Report

To create the dashboard, the Sound Storm team will verify your work email. Then, you will receive a Welcome to the new Sound Storm dashboard email. Simply sign in with your verified email, set your password and bookmark the page.

As soon as your clients start using the Sound Storm program and playing games, the data will be recorded in their Progress Report.

You will be automatically notified via email from when new clients download the Sound Storm app.

Please note that the email you provide to clients is crucial, as it links their app data to your dashboard. Encourage parents to enter the "Clinician details" in the on-boarding screens during the initial set-up process of the app.

Tablet device displaying a child's progress report within the sound storm dashboard.

Considerations when interpreting the Progress Report

  • Are they playing the recommended 2 games per day 5 days per week?
  • Are they improving from their starting average?
  • Are they maintaining an upward trend in their running average without sudden dips?

Top tip: use the editable section to add your clinic details on the Sound Storm PDF brochures. This will ensure parents use the correct work email.

Download the Sound Storm PDF brochures
getting started brochureEnsure success brochure

Any questions?

If you have any questions about Sound Storm or the Sound Storm Dashboard, get in touch with us.